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Showing posts from July, 2020

Selfie Elbow

Selfie elbow is the result of micro trauma (continual stress) on the muscles and tendons at the elbow caused by repetitive overuse, stretching and awkward positioning. Your muscles and tendons work to keep the muscles attached to the bone as well as help extend and stabilize the wrist. Selfies are popular, and not just popular among our youth, but popular across generations. Have you ever tried so hard to get that perfect selfie, the one where your arm ends up hurting but, well, you are not the only one . If you are someone you know is experiencing pain on the outside of the elbow during activity, having trouble with grasping or gripping, or a dull ache while resting at night, you may need to exit out of your camera and call performance Physical therapy. How to Relieve Selfie Elbow : If you're experiencing selfie Elbow, try to limit the time spent on taking selfies, frequently change arm positions and engage in upper extremity exercises. Wrist Flexion and Extension Stretch : Keep y

Can your makeup really give you cancer ?

Many ingredients in makeup is safe , a number of common ingredients can be harmful to both the body and the environment . In the United States , there is no law that requires the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve cosmetics. This means that other than color additives , cosmetics can contain a number of dangerous chemicals with no regulation. When a person uses cosmetics , their skin absorbs chemicals, which can enter the bloodstream. People might also inhale powders or ingest some cosmetics by using lip products. Certain chemicals present in makeup  and other cosmetic products can contain ingredients that researchers have linked to serious health concerns. Some of these health concerns include : cancer endocrine disorders development delays neurological problems People may wish to avoid products that contain these chemicals : Talc : In 2019 , the FDA advised consumers to avoid certain cosmetic items due to them testing positive for asbestos. People can find talc in various

Coping with Traveler's Diarrhea

What is Traveler's Diarrhea? Traveler's Diarrhea is a digestive tract disorder. It consists of abdominal cramps and diarrhea that's most often caused by consuming food or water that the body isn't familiar with.   If you're visiting an area where either the sanitary practices or the climate are different than what you're more likely to experience traveler's diarrhea.  It can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Traveler's diarrhea typically goes away on its own within a few days. It can cause dehydration , which can be dangerous , especially for children . It's often contagious, however, and passed from person to person regardless of the cause. What are the symptoms of Traveler's Diarrhea ? Loose , watery diarrhea and abdominal cramps are the most universal symptoms in traveler's diarrhea. Other symptoms may depend on the cause of the condition . Symptoms  can include :  Nausea vomiting Fever Bloating Excessive gas Loss of appetite U

PMIS : Latest post Covid-19 challenge for doctors

In a major cause of worry for doctors, several COVID-19 positive children in Mumbai are showing symptoms of a life threatening disorder. So far , two children have died after being diagnosed with the PMIS . What is PMIS ? Paediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (PMIS) is a very rare , but serious inflammatory condition that affects the children.  What are the symptoms of PMIS ? Mild symptoms of PMIS include fever, cough, sore throat and a rash. It can also cause swelling of the hands, feet and lymph nodes. In more severe cases, PMIS can also affect blood pressure , the heart and the kidneys. Symptoms of PMIS may not appear until several weeks after the initial infection. In some cases, families may not know their child had COVID-19 until they show symptoms of PMIS. In general , it is important to remember that symptoms of COVID-19 tend to be milder or do not appear as often in children. What causes PMIS ? The cause of PMIS is not known , but doctors think that it is related to a C

Mechanical Ventilation

Mechanical Ventilation Mechanical ventilation is a device that breathes for someone who is unable to breathe for themselves. Mechanical ventilation is also called positive pressure ventilation. Following an inspiratory trigger , a predetermined mixture of oxygen is forced into the central airways and then flows into the alveoli.  Mechanical ventilators are set to deliver a constant volume , a constant pressure or a combination of both with each breath. Modes of ventilation that maintain a minimum respiratory rates regardless of whether or not the patient initiates a spontaneous breath are referred to as assist control. Because pressures and volumes are directly linked by the pressure volume curve, any given volume will correspond to a specific pressure, and vice versa, regardless of whether the ventilator is pressure or volume cycled. Why is it needed ?  Brain and spinal cord injury or disease :  An injury or disease to the brain can interfere with the signs that control breathing. Dam

Vaginal Health : What's really going on down there?

Our bodies are designed to keep themselves healthy. When we eat well, get enough exercises and sleep , and limit our alcohol intake, we're helping our bodies function at their best. So when our bodies function at their best.  So when our bodies are about whack, we can usually tell. But , when it comes to vaginal health , it can be a little more mystifying. So how can you really tell if your vagina is healthy ?  Because the vagina is internal , we can't really look at it and assess its health. This means we have to rely on other signs to keep tabs on our vaginal health. One big clue is discharge , which all vaginas produce.  What's tricky is that healthy discharge doesn't have one appearance , it changes throughout the menstrual cycle. It can range from clear and slippery to white and creamy during a normal cycle. But discharge can also signal that something more is going on : it may have a strong odor or a different color or consistency that you're used it.  See if

How to help someone who is having a panic attack

Six million American adults have panic disorder, meaning they experience repeated episodes of intense fear called panic attacks. Even people without panic disorder can have panic attacks. Overall , more than one in five people experience a panic attack in their lifetimes. Do you know what to do if you see someone experiencing one ?  If not , don't worry. This will help you how to help someone who is having a panic attack so you'll feel prepared if you ever encounter a person who needs help. Signs of a Panic Attack : Shaking Sweating Numbness Dizziness Heart palpitations Chest Pain Abdominal Distress Shortness of breath Fear of going crazy or dying Chills or hot flashes. How to help someone who is having a panic attack : 1. Assess for risk of harm  2. Listen non judgmentally 3. Give reassurance and information  4. Encourage appropriate professional help 5. Encourage self help and other support strategies Some people may experience panic attacks on a regular basis if they have a

Restless Leg at Night or Restless leg Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) causes a powerful urge to move your legs. your legs become uncomfortable when you are lying down or sitting.  Some people describe it as a creeping, crawling, tingling, or burning sensation. Moving makes your legs feel better , but not for long. Restless leg syndrome can make it hard to fall asleep and stay awake. Restless leg syndrome is also known as Willis - Ekbom Disease , is a neurological condition associated with abnormal sensation in the legs. Some primary features of restless leg syndrome are :  Uncomfortable sensation in the legs with a clear need to urge to move the legs. The symptoms are worse at night. The symptoms come on with rest. The symptoms re relieved with movement. Causes :  Restless leg syndrome may occur as a primary disorder for unknown reasons or in associated with certain underlying conditions or other factors. Many individuals with primary RLS report a family history of the disorder that may appear to suggest autosomal dominant inh


Aromatherapy is an alternative form of holistic therapy that uses essential oils to help improve and balance you both emotionally and physically , while helping you to take time out for yourself , to be mindful and to reconnect with yourself , even for a moment.   The aromas experienced through aromatherapy and essential oils have a dynamic effect on the mind and body. The effect is experienced through  the sense of smell which is linked to the deepest parts of the brain governed by your basic instincts , thoughts and emotions.  On a physical level , essential oils help to ease muscular aches and pains , improve circulation, eases sinus congestion and act as a strong antioxident. Aromatherapy is described as both an art and a science because it takes the knowledge of the scientific aspects of the plants and oils and combines it with art of producing a beneficial blend. Aromatherapy can be used topically and via inhalation. As an all natural alternative medicine , aromatherapy uses esse

Varicose veins and Spider Veins

What are varicose veins ? Varicose veins are veins under the skin of the legs which become widened , bulged and sometimes twisted. They are very common and do not cause medical problems in most people There are two main systems of the veins in the legs : Deep veins : The leg muscles squeeze the deep veins during walking, carrying most of the blood back up the legs to the heart. Superficial veins  : These occur under the skin which are less important and can form varicose veins. All of these veins contain one way valves to ensure that the blood flows towards the heart. Failure of these valves allows blood to flow backwards down the veins and results in an overload of pressure when standing. This excess pressure leads to widening of the veins so that they do not close properly. Blood then flows back into the leg along these veins and causes varicose veins to develop. Raised pressure in these veins also encourages the development of spider veins and discolored areas which look like bruise

How serious is Lyme Disease ?

Lyme disease , or borreliosis , is a potentially life - threatening condition that is transmitted to humans by black legged ticks. The tick infects the person with the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi (B.burgdorferi).  At first , a rash may appear. This can disappear without treatment , but in time , the person may develop problems with the joints , the heart , and the nervous system. Lyme disease is the most common tick - borne infectious disease in the United states (U.S) . The ticks pick up the bacteria when they bite a mice or deer that are carrying it. It was first reported in 1977 in a town called old Lyme , CT . Symptoms :  Initial signs and symptoms of Lyme disease are usually very mild. Some people may notice any symptoms , or they may think they have flu. After the initial phase, further symptoms develop. Symptoms can disappear , but the disease can affect the body in other ways, years later. Stage 1 : Early Lyme Disease Erythema migrans (EM) is a rash that often appears in the

Migraine Attack

Migraine Attack and Treatment :   Migraine is an inherited tendency to have headaches with sensory disturbances. It's an instability in the way the brain deals with incoming sensory information, and that instability can become influenced by physiological changes like sleep, exercise and hunger. What is Migraine? Migraine is a complex condition with a wide variety of symptoms. For many people the main feature is a painful a painful headache. Other symptoms include disturbed vision,sensitivity to light, sound and smells, feeling sick and vomiting. Migraine attacks can be very frightening and may result in you having to lie still for several hours. The symptoms will vary from person to person and individuals may have different symptoms during different attacks. The attack may differ in length and frequency. Migraine attacks usually last from 4 to 72 hours and most people are free from symptoms between attacks.  Migraine can have enormous impact on your work, family and social lives. T

Why is Antibiotic Resistance a problem ?

Antibiotic  resistance is the ability of a microorganism to withstand the effects of an antibiotic. It is a specific type of drug resistance. Antibiotic resistance evolves naturally via natural selection through random mutation , but it could also be engineered by applying an evolutionary stress on a population. Antibiotics disrupt essential structures or processes in bacteria. This in turn either kills the bacteria or stops them from multiplying. Bacteria have in turn evolved many antibiotic resistance mechanisms to withstand the actions of antibiotics. How bacteria resist antibiotics? There are two main ways for bacteria to withstand the effects of a antibiotic : To stop the antibiotic from reaching its target at a high enough concentration. To modify or bypass the target that the antibiotic acts on. Over time bacteria have evolved many different antibiotic resistance strategies to accomplish this. Benefits of Antibiotics: Antibiotics have not only saved patients lives, they have pla

Possible Causes of Hand Pain

The human hands are complex and delicate structures that contain 27 bones. The muscles and joints in the hand allow for strong , precise and dexterous movements , but they are vulnerable to injury. There are many different causes and types of hand pain. Hand pain can originate in different parts of the complex skeletal structure , including the : bones joints connective tissue tendons nerves Hand  pain can stem from: inflammation nerve damage repetitive motion injuries sprains and fractures several chronic health conditions Many conditions contributing to hand pain can be treated. Depending on the cause of your hand pain, you may benefit from medications , exercises or lifestyle changes. 1. ARTHRITIS Arthritis (the inflammation of one or more joints) is the leading cause of hand pain. It can occur anywhere in the body but is particularly common in hands and wrist. There are more than 100 different types  of arthritis, but the most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Ost

GERD (Acid Reflux , Heartburn)

What is GERD or acid reflux? Gastroesophageal reflux disease, commonly referred to as GERD or acid reflux, is a condition in which the liquid content of the stomach regurgitates (backs up or refluxes) into the esophagus . The liquid can inflame and damage the lining (esophagitis) although visible signs of inflammation occur in a minority of patients. The regurgitated liquid usually contains acid and pepsin that are produced by the stomach. Pepsin is an enzyme that begins the digestion of proteins in the stomach. The refluxed liquid also may contain bile that has backed-up into the stomach from the duodenum. The first part of the small intestine attached to the stomach. Acid is believed to be the most injurious component of the refluxed liquid. Pepsin and bile also may injure the esophagus , but their role in the production of esophageal inflammation and damage is not as the role of acid. GERD is a chronic condition , once it begins it usually is life long. If there is injury to the lin


What is Homesickness? Homesickness is distress caused by being separated from home. It may look different for a lot of people.  Some of the most common symptoms are: Feeling sad , down , or depressed Grief over the loss of familiar surroundings Anxiety or Nervousness Withdrawing from or avoiding other people Wanting to stay in your room or being afraid to leave room Feeling nostalgic about things that remind you of home Being easily irritated by new things , or things that are done differently than how you're used to. Understand that your feelings are normal: It is common to feel uncomfortable with new surroundings and wish to be back with the familiar people and places of home. These feelings are part of your adjustment and they will fade once you get comfortable with your new environment. Make your space your own: Bring some of the comforts to home to your new place. That can include pictures , decorations , or a favorite blanket or pillow. The more familiar your surroundings are

Cold Sores

What is a cold sore? A cold sore is a fluid-filled blister that appears on the lips and around the mouth. Cold sores are also called fever blisters , oral herpes or herpes labialis. While cold sores are highly contagious , they usually aren't serious. In healthy people , cold sores generally clear up on their own in one to two weeks. How common are cold sores? Cold sores are widespread. More than half of the people in the United States have been infected with the virus that causes cold sores, though many people never develop cold sores or have any symptoms. About 20 to 40 percent of people who have the virus develop cold sores. How often do people get cold sores? A cold sore can develop multiple times a year or only once or twice in your lifetime. The frequency of a cold sore outbreak varies from person to person. Who is affected by cold sores? People of all ages can become infected with the virus that causes cold sores. Many people are exposed to the virus during childhood. It is