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What is Homesickness?
Homesickness is distress caused by being separated from home. It may look different for a lot of people. 

Some of the most common symptoms are:
  • Feeling sad , down , or depressed
  • Grief over the loss of familiar surroundings
  • Anxiety or Nervousness
  • Withdrawing from or avoiding other people
  • Wanting to stay in your room or being afraid to leave room
  • Feeling nostalgic about things that remind you of home
  • Being easily irritated by new things , or things that are done differently than how you're used to.
  1. Understand that your feelings are normal: It is common to feel uncomfortable with new surroundings and wish to be back with the familiar people and places of home. These feelings are part of your adjustment and they will fade once you get comfortable with your new environment.
  2. Make your space your own: Bring some of the comforts to home to your new place. That can include pictures , decorations , or a favorite blanket or pillow. The more familiar your surroundings are , the more comfortable you'll feel.
  3. Get involved on campus : There are a lot of activities on campus , especially within the first few weeks. Find some that interest you and dive in! They will keep you busy and give you the chance to make new friends.
  4. Keep in touch : Phone calls, texts, email , and social media like Facebook and Twitter are great ways to stay in touch with family and friends back home.
  5. Talk about it : Even if people aren't talking about , a lot of students probably share your feelings. Say something to roommates , or new fiends , and process some of your feelings. Other students might be scared to bring it up and could be glad that you started the conversation first.
  • Don't stay in your room all the time : Your room can be safe heaven during your college time , but you don't want to speed all of your free time there. It prevents you from getting out, getting to know new people , and finding new things that you like.
  • Don't go home every weekend : You miss your loved ones an it can feel really nice to see them as often as you can , especially if they live close by. But going home every chance you get may keep you from establishing your new life on campus. That can make your homesickness even worse. 
  • Don't ignore your feelings : It's totally normal to feel homesick. you are adjusting to a new place and a new culture . But, if you ignore those feelings, they may bottle up and make you feel worse. Try to process those emotions, by talking to someone , writing in a journal , or expressing yourself artistically.
When does homesickness become a more serious issue?

How often is it happening?
Homesickness can occur at any time. It may happen when you are alone or when you are with others. If you find yourself feeling homesick every day , even when you are busy doing other activities , you may want to talk to someone. 

How intense are your feelings?
It is normal to feel sad or anxious sometimes , especially in a new environment, and students experience their feelings more intensely than others. If your feelings are too intense , they may interfere with other activities like your classes or job.

How long is it lasting?
Different people take longer to adjust to college life . Some may feel homesick for one weekend or one month. Some don't get homesick at all. For many students , feelings of homesickness typically subside after the first semester


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