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Can your makeup really give you cancer ?

Many ingredients in makeup is safe , a number of common ingredients can be harmful to both the body and the environment .

In the United States , there is no law that requires the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve cosmetics. This means that other than color additives , cosmetics can contain a number of dangerous chemicals with no regulation.

When a person uses cosmetics , their skin absorbs chemicals, which can enter the bloodstream. People might also inhale powders or ingest some cosmetics by using lip products.

Certain chemicals present in makeup  and other cosmetic products can contain ingredients that researchers have linked to serious health concerns.
Some of these health concerns include :
  • cancer
  • endocrine disorders
  • development delays
  • neurological problems
People may wish to avoid products that contain these chemicals :
  1. Talc : In 2019 , the FDA advised consumers to avoid certain cosmetic items due to them testing positive for asbestos. People can find talc in various makeup products including blushes, eye shadows, and bronzers. Asbestos is aknown cancer forming chemical and can contaminate untested talc that manufacturers uses in certain cosmetics.
  2. Triclosan : It may be present in some cosmetics. Some manufacturers add it to reduce the risk of contamination with bacteria. Products that may contain triclosan include toothpaste, antibacterial soaps, and body washes.  According to FDA , high levels of triclosan may affect thyroid hormones and contribute to antibiotic resistance. 
  3. Lead : Cosmetic eye products that contain kohl may contain high levels of lead, which is a harmful heavy metal for the body. An eye product containing any of the following  could potentially contain lead ; 
  • kajal
  • surma
  • tiro
  • kohl
       4 . Mercury and Thimerosal ; Skin lighters may contain mercury. Mercury is a heavy metal that is harmful to the body. It ay affect the nervous system, causes kidney damage and harm a developing fetus.

      5. Phthalates : Phthalates are present in some nail polishes and hair sprays, as well as the fragrances of many cleaning and cosmetic products. Phthalates can unbalance hormones, particularly those that work alongside estrogen, such as testosterone. According to a breast cancer charity, phthalates may have a link with breasst cancer. 

      6. Parabens : Manufacturers use parabens as preservative in many cosmetics. Prabens may appear on cosmetic labels as the following :
  • methylparaben
  • propylparaben
  • ethylparaben
parabens may be present in makeup, moisturizers, hair products, and shaving creams. parabens can enter the body through the skin and mimic estrogen.

7. Formaldehyde : Chemicals that release formaldehyde over a certain period of time  are present in cosmetics , lotions , shampoos, shower gels, nail polishes, and hair straightening products. 
Formaldehyde can cause allergic reactions as well as irritation to the eyes and respiratory system. 

8. Toluene : Toluene is presnt in some nail treatments and nail polishes. It is a solvent that may be toxic to the brain , nervous system and a developing fetus.

9. Carbon black : Carbon black is present in mascaras , eye liners, and lipsticks as it gives these products their coloring.

Tips to avoid toxins :
  • Use fewer products or choose products with shorter ingredients lists.
  • Check all labels carefully and look up any unfamiliar ingerdients .
  • Make cosmeetic products such as scrubs and face masks at home using simple food ingredients.
  • Take care with products that claim they are pure and organic or natural.


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