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Restless Leg at Night or Restless leg Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) causes a powerful urge to move your legs. your legs become uncomfortable when you are lying down or sitting. 
Some people describe it as a creeping, crawling, tingling, or burning sensation. Moving makes your legs feel better , but not for long.
Restless leg syndrome can make it hard to fall asleep and stay awake.

Restless leg syndrome is also known as Willis - Ekbom Disease , is a neurological condition associated with abnormal sensation in the legs.

Some primary features of restless leg syndrome are : 
  • Uncomfortable sensation in the legs with a clear need to urge to move the legs.
  • The symptoms are worse at night.
  • The symptoms come on with rest.
  • The symptoms re relieved with movement.
Causes : 
Restless leg syndrome may occur as a primary disorder for unknown reasons or in associated with certain underlying conditions or other factors.
Many individuals with primary RLS report a family history of the disorder that may appear to suggest autosomal dominant inheritance.

Secondary RLS may be associated with other conditions such as iron deficiency, anemia, kidney failure,or peripheral Neuropathy.
RLS may occur or become severe in women who are pregnant. 

The exact cause of RLS is unknown.

Restless leg syndrome appears to be about twice as common in women than men. Associated symptoms may become apparent at any age , and the disorder is usually chronic , often becoming more severe with increasing age.

Diagnosis : 

The diagnosis of the restless leg syndrome is based upon a thorough clinical evaluation , a complete patient history, including current medications , family history and specialized tests . 
A clinical assessment scale may be used to help evaluate severity of the disorder.

RLS cannot be prevented because doctors aren't sure what causes it. There are some things you can do to help lessen your symptoms .

Lifestyle changes to treat RLS : 
  • For mild symptoms , use an over the counter pain reliever to reduce twitching and restless sensations.
  • Cut back on alcohol , caffeine and tobacco.
  • Try taking a hot bath and massaging your legs before bedtime to help you relax.
  • Relaxation techniques , such as meditation and yoga can help you relax before bed.
  • Apply warm or cool packs, which can relieve sensations in your legs.
  • Try to distract your mind by reading or doing a crossword puzzle while you wait for sleep to come.
  • Moderate exercise may help, but don't overdo it. Exercising vigorously or late in the day may make symptoms worse.
  • Try to go bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. Also try to get a sufficient amount of sleep each night.
Treatment :
Treatment may include medicines and lifestyle changes. Medicines used to treat parkinson's disease can help reduce tremors and twitching in the legs. If your iron levels are low just take some iron supplement.
In some cases , an anticonvulsant medicine can be useful. Usually sleep aids, muscle relaxants , and pain medicines have been prescribed by doctor to relieve symptoms.
Use of these medicines may be limited also because of their known side effects and potential drawbacks. 

Sleep hygiene is important as tiredness makes symptoms worse.


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