How to care for Someone having COVID-19 (Home Isolation)
1. Provide Support : Help the patient in covering their basic needs.
Make sure the patient will drink more fluids and take rest.
See if the over counter medicines for fever help the person or not.
watch the warning signs i.e Oxygen level
2. Protect yourself : Keep a separate bedroom and bathroom for a person who is sick.
As this virus spread between people who are in close contact through respiratory droplets , coughs or sneezes .
Avoid having visitors.
Caregivers should also quarantine themselves.
Eat in separate areas or rooms.
Avoid sharing personal items : Do not share dishes, bedding , or cell phone with the person suffering.
When to wear a MASK ?
When there is people around at home. Mask helps prevent a person who is sick from spreading the virus to others.
Caregiver will always wear a mask before entering the room of the sufferer.
Wash Hands : Wash your hands often with soap and water especially after being near the person who is sick.
Avoid touching your eyes , nose , and mouth with unwashed hands.
Caregivers should stay home and monitor their health and also isolate themselves atleast for 14 days.
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