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Physiotherapy : About My Experience

 Hello, I am Dr. Shweta  and I am a Physiotherapist.

As we know that due to this pandemic we are not able to provide the best treatment to our patients, as our profession requires much holding and handling of the patients , I think it's the best profession for me because through your treatment you give love and care to the patients.

As an example i will tell you a story of my patient : A mother of a 4 year old baby came to me during my practice with a diagnosis called Waste Syndrome. At that time i was not aware about that disease much but i was pretty much interested to know about what the disease is and what will be the treatment. On that day i take the whole assessment from the birth of the child till present, what his activities are. The mother was crying in front of me as he is the only child of her, and he was not able to sit properly, not able to stand. She pleased in front of me that anyhow i will make her child to walk. 

I told her to come on next day, On that day when i was at my  home, i had gone through many articles published in context to that syndrome and all about the treatment.

The next day when i was in clinic, as i was waiting for them to come, when they arrived i was like i know what to do and i will surely do better, and i will make you get up and walk. I had applied my treatment on him and told the mother about what are the duties and cooperation she have to do with me for the fast recovery, and his mother again cried in front of me and told me that if my son got well i will bless you more and more, at that time i was like, you are like my mother and i will do my best on him.

After the continuous treatment for 3 months he was able to sit by himself. On that day i was so happy and excited that it's my victory , as on that day i was thankful to God that i was blessed to be in this profession. The treatment will go on for 3 more months and the child was fully fine and he is able to stand and walk by myself. I remember his smile after the treatment procedure, everyday he was smiling and he always say bye when leaving. This love of him keeps me motivated.

This was the journey i love to be a part of this, as this was the blessings of god which motivates you to do better in life.

I am proud to be a Physiotherapist .


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