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Showing posts from August, 2020

Is Chronic Cardio Making You Fat?

 Is Too Much Cardio Making You Gain Weight?  Here's How to Find Out. Is too much cardio making you gain weight or hurting your fitness goals? Here's how to tell if you are doing too much cardio and how to help yourself train smarter. There's nothing better than the unstoppable feeling after really good spin class, it's a great sweat and an incredible endorphin boost. But sometimes it seems like cardio has overtaken every other fitness activity.  Despite being so active , these women come on struggling with weight gain , joint pain, low energy, and years of frustration . They all say about the same thing " I exercise 6 days a week , eat super clean and sleep, but don't get the results. They feel tired and anxious , have trouble sleeping , and find it difficult to shed the last 10 pounds. Many also have hormone imbalances such as PMS, irregular periods, PCOS and even infertility. What's behind this trend of cardio junkies sweating to exhaustion ? hare's w

Feeling Sluggish ? These simple stretches each day can help

 Right now, many of us are feeling a sense of lethargy and exhaustion as we ride the roller coaster that is the COVID-19 pandemic. Introducing some simple stretching each morning, or when you're feeling particularly unmotivated, is a great way to gently move your body, release some stress and give yourself a bit of a lift .  One of the things that can feel good about stretching in particulars is, for example, if you've been sitting in one spot for a period of time , your joints and muscles and your body have habituated into that position. Stretching helps muscles with flexibility and strength and maintains a range of motion in the joints. As many of us are sitting more and moving less, our muscles may be tighter and shorter , resulting in a sensation of stiffness. Many people have changed their routines and it's likely that it's less physically active, as this can have a negative impact on our physical and mental wellbeing and that stretching along with any physical act

Robotic innovation delivers relief for back pain sufferers

 The future of precise personalized robotic physiotherapy An innovation that automates the diagnosis and treatment of chronic back pain could bring benefits to millions of patients, increase work productivity and provide therapists with a time saving tool. Back pain, a musculoskeletal disorder, is the leading cause of disability worldwide. It is also the most common reason that people visit their doctor and take time off work. Even though back pain is extremely common, there are no established guidelines or protocols when it comes to diagnosis, says ADAMO Robot project coordinator Carlos Jimenez , managing director at Adamo Robot in Spain. Diagnosis also tends to be subjective , and the success of treatments, which often involve massage sessions, depend a lot on the quality of the therapist. People also have different thresholds, which makes it difficult to assess the evolution of the condition. Automated back therapy  Spanish firm Adamo Robot has sought to address these challenges and

Physiotherapy : About My Experience

 Hello, I am Dr. Shweta  and I am a Physiotherapist. As we know that due to this pandemic we are not able to provide the best treatment to our patients, as our profession requires much holding and handling of the patients , I think it's the best profession for me because through your treatment you give love and care to the patients. As an example i will tell you a story of my patient : A mother of a 4 year old baby came to me during my practice with a diagnosis called Waste Syndrome. At that time i was not aware about that disease much but i was pretty much interested to know about what the disease is and what will be the treatment. On that day i take the whole assessment from the birth of the child till present, what his activities are. The mother was crying in front of me as he is the only child of her, and he was not able to sit properly, not able to stand. She pleased in front of me that anyhow i will make her child to walk.  I told her to come on next day, On that day when i w

Fitness watches do more harm than good

 Fitness watches make you feel guilty and anxious : Heart patients are warned not to use health tracking devices as new research suggests they do more harm than good. Heart patients should use fitness watches because they do more harm than good, researchers said yesterday. Owners of the devices such as Fitbits become more in tune with their health but suffer guilt and anxiety when they miss exercise targets or misinterpret data. They may link a fast pulse with an increased risk of heart attack or fear that a lower than usual amount of sleep will exacerbate their illness. A study shows that overall self measurement are more problematic than beneficial when it comes to the patient experience. Patients begin to use the information from their Fitbits just as they would use a doctor. However, they don't get help interpreting their watch data. This makes them unnecessarily anxious, or they may learn something that is far from reality. Published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research

The Biggest Monster is Spreading. And It's Not The Coronavirus

 Tuberculosis kills 1.5 million people each year. Lockdowns and supply chain distribution threaten progress against the disease as well as H.I.V. and malaria. It begins with a mild fever and malaise, followed by a painful cough and shortness of breath. The infection prospers in crowds , spreading to people in close reach. Containing an outbreak requires contact tracing, as well as isolation and treatment of the sick for weeks or months. The  insidious disease has touched every part of the globe. It is tuberculosis, the biggest infectious disease killer worldwide , claiming 1.5 million lives each year. Until this year , TB and its deadly allies, H.I.V and malaria , were on the run. The toll from each disease over the previous decade was at its nadir in 2018 , the last year for which data are available. Yet now, as the coronavirus pandemic spreads around the world , consuming global health resources , these perennially neglected adversaries are making a comeback. Covid 19 risks derailing

Does Vaping Causes Cancer ?

 What is Vaping? E - cigarettes, sometimes called vapes, run on batteries and heat up nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals. They turn them into a vapor you can breath in. Many chemicals that causes cancers are in the this vapor, that includes formaldehyde, heavy metals, and particles that can get stuck in the deepest parts of your lungs. Electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes , put nicotine into your lungs and bloodstream, and they do it without the smoke and tar of a regular cigarette, but other harmful things can get into your body when you vape. That especially true if you use flavored cigarettes. Some chemicals in e- cigarettes can irritate the airways in your lungs. This can cause problems. Studies have found that flavorings like cinnamon can cause inflammation of lung cells. How do e-cigarettes work ? E- cigarettes heat a liquid called e- liquid or e-juice to turn it into aerosol(vapor). E-cigarettes users inhale this into their lungs. How vaping can affect your Lungs Over ti

Georgia's Youngest coronavirus victim

 The seven year old Georgia boy who became the youngest person in the state to die of coronavirus drowned in a bathtub after having seizure caused by his high fever, an autopsy found. The child, who has not been named, is believed to have COVID-19 after attending a church in Savannah where two elderly worshippers also died from the virus. Chatham County Coroner Bill Wessinger described the results of the boy's autopsy to CNN on Monday and said that seizures due to high fevers are very common in children with coronavirus. wessinger said that the boy died about two weeks before his death was reported by the county health department last Thursday. The boy had been found unresponsive in the bath and was pronounced dead at a hospital, where he tested positive for COVID-19 postmortem, Wessinger said. The seizure conclusion came from a preliminary report, and the final report is still pending toxicology reports. The boy, who was African American , did not have any underlying health condit

Are We Brainwashed During Sleep?

 In a new study, researchers suggest that tonight while you sleep, something amazing will happen within your brain. Your neurons will go quiet. A few seconds later , blood flow out of your head . Then, a watery liquid called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) will flow in, washing through your brain in rhythmic, pulsing waves. The study is the first to illustrate that the brain's CSF pulses during sleep,and that these motions are closely tied with brain wave activity and blood flow. The research was conducted by a team from Boston University. Earlier studies have suggested that CSF flow and slow-wave activity both help flush toxic,memory impairing proteins from the brain. As people age, their brains often generate fewer slow waves. In turn, this could affect the blood flow in the brain and reduce the pulsing of CSF during sleep., leading to buildup of toxic proteins and a decline in memory abilities. Although researchers have tended  to evaluate these processes separately, it now appears th

Serum Institute to Produce up to 100 million Covid-19 vaccine does for India , other countries

 Serum Institute of India (SII) on Friday said it has entered into a new partnership with International Vaccine Alliance Gavi and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to accelerate manufacturing and delivery of up to 100 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines for India as well as other low and middle income countries(LMICs). The collaboration will provide upfront capital to SII to help them increase manufacturing capacity now so that, once a vaccine, or vaccines, gains regulatory approval and WHO pre-qualification, doses can be produced at scale for distribution to India and LMICs as part of the Gavi COVAX AMC mechanism as early as the first half of 2021, SII said in a statement according to TOI. The company has set an affordable price of $3 (around RS 225) per dose, it added. The funding will support at risk manufacturing by SII for candidate vaccines from AstraZeneca and Novavax, which will be available for procurement if they are successful in attaining full license and WHO pre qualifica

Tick borne SFTS virus re-emerges in China : All about the disease that has killed 7, infected 60 people so far

60 people have been infected by a new disease, caused by a tick-bone virus (SFTSV) , and 7 people have been killed so far, Chinese media reported on Wednesday.  It also warned about its possibility of human to human transmission. More than 37 people in  East China's Jiangsu Province contracted with the Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus (SFTSV) in the first half of the year. Later, 23 people were found to be infected in East China's Anhui province. At least seven people have died in Anhui and East China's Zhejiang province due to the virus. What is SFTS Virus ? SFTS Virus is not a new virus . It is a tick - borne virus in the Bunyaviridae family and was confirmed in china in 2009 and then retrospectively reported in South Korea in 2012 and in Western Japan in 2013. Human SFTSV infections have a high case fatality rate. Since its discovery , the number of SFTSV cases has increased significantly, with a current case fatality rate of approximately 10-16% . How d

Red Onions linked to Salmonella outbreak in US , Canada : CDC issues Food Safety Alert

The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention has linked red onions to a recent Salmonella Outbreak across the Us and Canada. According to the CDC, nearly 400 people in 34 states have been infected with salmonella , a bacteria that affects the intestinal tract, causing diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps, from six hours to six days after being exposed to the bacteria.  Health officials said that red onions potentially contaminated with bacteria were shipped to supermarkets and restaurants in all 50 states and Canada, resulting in the outbreak. On Saturday (August 1) , Thomson International Inc., voluntarily recalled yellow onions as they may be contaminated with Salmonella as per the CDC. Both the US FDA and CDC are now advising people to avoid consuming any onions from Thomson International Inc. Guidelines to protect yourself : Throw your onions away if you can't tell where they are from, even if no one got sick. Wash and sanitize any surfaces such as counter tops, refrigerator, d


WHAT TO DO INSTEAD :  The right supplements can be game changing. Probiotics and digestive enzymes have a solid track record for digestive health, magnesium might help with constipation, and vitamin D may be very useful for people who can't get a lot of sun. But not all supplements are that great. 1. CALCIUM :  Why shouldn't take it : Calcium supplements aren't great for bone strength , don't effectively prevent or treat osteoporosis , and may raise the risk of cardiovascular disease. If they don't help and they might hurt, why would you take one. What to do instead : If you don't have any existing bone problems , the good news is that you can get all the calcium you need from food , and no , there's no dairy required. Dark green leafy vegetables are great for calcium with the exception of spinach , which doesn't provide the calcium is a bio available form . If you have a pre existing bone disease you may take prescribed calcium + magnesium which may be

Ammonium Nitrate : Cause of Beirut Blast ( a deadly explosion)

Ammonium nitrate , (NH 4 NO 3 ), a  salt  of  ammonia  and  nitric acid , used widely in fertilizers and explosives.  The commercial grade contains about 33.5 percent  nitrogen , all of which is in forms utilizable by plants,  it is the most common nitrogenous component of artificial  fertilizers .  Ammonium  nitrate  also is employed to modify the detonation rate of other explosives, such as  nitroglycerin  in the so-called  ammonia dynamites , or as an oxidizing agent in the  ammonals, which are mixtures of ammonium nitrate and powdered aluminum. Ammonium nitrate is highly explosive when it comes into contact with fire , and when it explodes, ammonium nitrate can release toxic gases including nitrogen oxides and ammonia gas. There are strict rules in how to store it safely- including requiring the storage site to be thoroughly fire proofed, and not have any drains, pipes or other channels in which ammonium nitrate could build up and create an additional explosion hazard. But when it

5 Rules To Build Muscles Mass Effectively

It’s everyone’s dream to have a good physique with strength. You know that you can achieve a good body and strength through good muscle growth. But how can you build muscles effectively and what should you do for it? Like how most people think, going to the gym is not the ultimate solution for muscle-building results. Because we have seen many bodybuilders search endlessly for the best method of bodybuilding, workout regularly at the gym, yet fail to make visible progress towards their goals. Why is this so? Are there any influencing factors for muscle building that we are not aware of? It’s time we learn what really works when it comes to gaining muscles. Here are the 5 rules for muscle growth. Understand these rules to achieve your muscle-building dream. Employ Effective Muscle Building Exercise We have seen some people step into the gym with no proper workout plan, while others do vigorous training at the gym but fail to build good muscle mass. You need to know that, for effective m

Sweet Poison : Why Sugar is Ruining your Health

Did you know some of the main ingredients in most of your pantry foods and refrigerated sauces contain sugar? Usually sugar is added to foods in the forms of simple sugars such as glucose, fructose or sucrose, but often manufacturer will disguise the amount of sugar by listing it under several different names. Some of them are : Barely malt Brown rice syrup Corn syrup Dextrin Dextrose Ethyl maltol Have you ever wondered why processed sugar consumption is bad for you ? Quitting sugar has a lot of benefits. Let's face it , very few people go for a day without consuming sugar. However, not all of it is bad. For instance, sugar from milk products(lactose) is healthy. In addition to that, sugar from some fruit products (fructose) is also healthy. In other words it can only be healthy when it is consumed in its natural form and moderate amounts. Unfortunately, most sugar that we consume is unhealthy, artificial, and slowly killing us. Although it helps to make your food sweet , the negat