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Lockdown induced Painful periods ?


Many women have complained of painful and erratic periods in the last three months.The nationwide lockdown resulting from COVID-19 pandemic has affected the menstrual cycles in a mysterious way , bringing unprecendented changes in the flow , duration and pain scale.

"Women have faced high-stress levels during lockdown due to uncertainity of life , work , resultant financial crisis, etc. Balancing home and work has also been a problem. Stress hormone 'cortisol' has a direct effect on periods. It can cause  a considerable delay in periods or no periods at all. STress can also raise insulin imbalance in the body which gives way to the secretion of the leptin hormone. This causes cycles to be delayed by 7 to 8 days or more.

The reason that women are experiencing painful and erratic periods during the lockdown is sttress, change in sleeping patterns , irregular diet and even excessive exercising.

"Cortisol and the hypothalamic pituitary axis regulating the gonadal hormone fluctuate due to such stress , causing intense menstrual cramps and sometimes even cause heavy bleeding during periods.

Unhealthy eating habits developed during lockdown is directly responsible for irregular and painful periods. "Food has been used as a source of pleasure. People have tried all desserts , had fried food almost every day. Healthy food consumption has gone down . Most women who started dieting couldn't or didn't continue.

Since diet has been linked to regulation of periods, making certain dietary changes and sticking to them can help. 
There are following ways to combat erratic and painful periods:
  • Follow a diet that is high in fibre and low in animal fat.
  • Avoid salt and caffeine as salt can cause bloating, fluid retention , breast swelling and pain.
  • Drink more water and herbal tea such as chamomile or mint to stay hydrated. This can decrease your odds of getting dehydration headache, a common symptom of menstruation.
  • Boost your intake of calcium- rich foods sucha s low-fat dairy , nuts, fish with bones like sardines and salmon , broccoli , tofu, etc.
  • A wholesome diet of a day should be rich in vegetables , fruit, seed , nuts , fish .
  • Proteins such as eggs and legumes, omega 3 food like chia or flax seeds , low fat dairy should be included.
  • Whole grains like rice , regular rolled oats, buckwheat flour , wholegrain bread , wholemeal pasta , amarnath, millet or coucous should be eaten in controlled portions.
  • Avoid saturated fats at all costs and try having lean proteins , for women with heavy periods, protein and iron from the lean meat can be beneficial.


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