what is placebo effect?
It is a phenomenon in which some people experience a benefit after the administration of inactive substance.
A placebo is a fake treatment that in some cases it can produce a realistic result.
This depends upon the expectation of the patient,the more a paerson expects the treatment will work, it is more likely to respond.
Things that will influence the placebo effect includes
- The nature of illness
- The belief system of the patient during treatment
- The expectation of the patient if fulfilling
- The positive message from the doctor about treatment
Taking the placebo tretament triggered the release of endorphins.
Endorphins have a similar structure as morphine and other opiate painkillers and act as the brains own natural painkillers.
Other possible things include conditioning , motivation and expectation.
People who are highly motivated during treatment will have effective response.
It can sometimes gives a negative effect called "nacebo effect".
Sometimes patient may have headache , nausea , dizziness.
The nocebo effect may happen when a person have negative expectation towards the treatment and it can lead to negative side effects.
It is beleived that sometimes the placebo effect may be useful in treatment but not effective for curing any disesase. Example may include if a person is in depression it can be effective but not surely cure it.